THE GODLINGS will be a four novel series about the adult children of various dieties, set in the modern day world. Much of it deals with their realtionships and how they interacts with one another. The are best friends, lovers, siblings - sometimes all at once. It is as complex as world as we truly live in.

I wanted to create people that I would run into, that I would want to hang out with. The kids are real 20-somethings with real problems, even if they are semi-divine. Noc doesn't tell Evie "I Love You" enough, and Turney gets jealous his drinking partner spends so much time with his new girl. Kay's a bit worried about how many people his girlfriend Sophie has slept with, and Emma hasn't had a normal date in years. Miranda hates her mom and ALL of them drink too much...

Noc, the son of Death
Turney, the son of Time

Emma, daughter of Nature
Mina and Martin, the Twins of War

Jill, the Dead daughter of Love
Miranda, the New Godling of Love & Hate

Kay, the son of Chaos & Sophie, the daughter of Dreams
Lao Tzu, master of Taoism

Evie and her "little sister" Miranda
Sophie and Turney enjoying their vices...

Death and Chaos... wait, what?
Sophie, Miranda, and Evie

Kay and Miranda
Miranda and Sophie